Tag: science

God, genetics and me
(November 29, 2020)

A review of “The Language of Genetics” by Denis Alexander – a comprehensive outline of this complex subject.

Addressing climate change: six facts
(October 24, 2019)

This page in brief We have seen that there are many good reasons to take action to limit global warming. But will it cost too much? On this page, I summarise the latest data on costs, which show that it will be far more costly to do nothing. Action is very cost-beneficial. (I give references […]

Short-sighted selfishness rules, OK? Part 2
(October 17, 2019)

The story so far …. A few weeks back I outlined how lack of foresight and turning a blind eye to facts means the Australian government is harming the people it represents and the country it governs. In this post I continue the sorry story with some facts about how our government, and most other […]

Signs of the times 2
(September 24, 2019)

Clever signs at the Global Climate Strike in Sydney.

Short-sighted selfishness rules, OK?
(August 24, 2019)

This is the Ministry (the main decision-makers) in the Australian Government. These people lead the Government, develop policy, plan legislation and lead the various Government Departments which have responsibility for (among other things) trade, commerce, agriculture, social services and foreign affairs. The Government also has a role in health and environmental issues (which are more […]

Does archaeology show the Bible is true? Seven facts
(March 16, 2017)

I’m sure you will have read, and heard it said, that archaeology confirms the accuracy of the Bible. But you may also have heard from sceptics that the Bible isn’t historically accurate. So which is true? This is a complex matter with a wide variety of conclusions among the experts. I have tried to investigate […]

Christians need to get smart over evolution?
(December 8, 2016)

The biological theory of evolution has been the subject of argument ever since it was first proposed, especially from those christians who believe that the Bible teaches that the earth is not billions of years old, animals haven’t evolved from simple life forms, and thus evolutionary science must not only be wrong, but also evil. […]

Are people different to animals, really ?
(August 18, 2016)

Why I think this subject is important …. Scientists have pretty much demonstrated that human beings are the product of evolution. One consequence of that conclusion is that many scientists now think that humans are no more than intelligent and better adapted animals. This belief can lead to thinking we have no free will and […]

Climate report for 2015
(February 17, 2016)

Christians tend to be conservative about climate change, but I think probably most now realise that climate change is happening, the world is indeed heating up, and this is causing some serious problems that will only get worse. So this report card on 2015 can be brief.

DNA – a challenge to believers and unbelievers
(December 20, 2015)

Difficult Issues series I have been researching family history for several years now, and have recently had my DNA tested to identify possible genetic matches – people who are related to me, perhaps as distant as 5th cousins – to try to make some breakthroughs in a difficult search. This has opened up an interesting […]