This is the Ministry (the main decision-makers) in the Australian Government. These people lead the Government, develop policy, plan legislation and lead the various Government Departments which have responsibility for (among other things) trade, commerce, agriculture, social services and foreign affairs. The Government also has a role in health and environmental issues (which are more directly the responsibility of the states).
So the government is responsible to care for the people, the country and the economy.
Yet it is clear they are not doing this with due diligence, and are gambling with Australia’s future for the sake of short term political and financial gain.
Let me explain why I say this. (Those of you from other countries will find plenty here that applies to you too!)
Short term gain (for a few) leading to long term pain (for the many)
I’m talking about the Government’s inaction on climate change. This post can only be a brief summary, but I am documenting all of this in a series of pages on Climate change.
The galling truth seems to be that the Government, supported by sections of the media, are lying to the Australian people about the evidence for climate change and the inadequate actions they are taking. As a result, they are playing their part in condemning Australia to a bleaker future than need be.
And yet they could be responding constructively for the people, the land and the economy, as I’ll also show you.
Here’s the evidence.
It’s getting hot in here!
Incredibly, there are still those in the government who profess to believe that climate change is a hoax. My local member is one of them, and it seems whenever there is some colder weather, he puts out a Facebook comment about how the drop in temperature shows the folly of global warming. He ignores the obvious trend of sharply rising temperatures and the fact that one of the predictions of climate science is that there will be greater variability in the weather as well as rising temperatures.

By allowing climate change deniers in the Government to be so vocal, the Government continues to allow the issue to appear to be uncertain (when in fact the science is very clear), which means its inaction doesn’t appear to be quite so foolish.
Damaging Australia ….
The Government’s inaction, combined with slow action globally, is already harming Australian farmers, businesses and ordinary people.
Killing agriculture
A large proportion of Australia’s productive agriculture occurs in the south east of the continent. It is currently significantly affected by drought, made worse by climate change. Climate models predict that the same area, especially in the south, will experience reduced rainfall in the future. Droughts will be longer, rainfall will tend to occur in shorter, more intense, events, and more extreme and detrimental temperatures will be experienced. These changes will make farming even more uncertain than it currently is.
Traditionally, farmers receive government “drought relief” when things are tough, to enable them to stay on their feet until better days come. But the reality is that better days are going to be less and less, and many farmers will need to change their operation and likely change their business to survive in drier times. To do this, they will need government assistance. So drought relief ought increasingly be used to develop new business models and farming methods. But the lukewarm response to climate change by our government doesn’t provide enough leadership and encouragement for farmers to make the necessary changes.
As a result, I think it is fair to say that the government coalition, which includes a party supposed to represent farmers and other rural residents, is allowing a situation to develop where the farmers will face more difficulties and heartache than they need to.
Worse bushfires
Summer bushfires are a part of Australian life, and Australia’s emergency response is now well-tuned. But the worst fires can still be disastrous – the “Black Saturday” fires of 2009 killed 180 people. But because of climate change, the bushfire season is getting worse, starting much earlier (in the middle of winter!) and producing more intense fires. The former NSW Fire and Rescue Commissioner, Greg Mullins, has said:
“This is part of a long-term trend, being driven by climate change. Australia’s bushfire seasons are starting earlier, becoming more severe and lasting longer than ever before …. The burning of coal, oil and gas, is warming the world, worsening extreme weather and putting people in danger – and Australia is ill prepared.”
The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of northern Australia, is the world’s largest coral reef system, 2,300 km long, and reputedly the only living organism visible from space. It is a hugely important ecosystem, habitat to a large number of birds and fish, including some threatened species, and has been given World Heritage status. It also generates important tourism income, so that reef’s economic contribution has been valued at $6.4 bn each year.
Yet more than half the reef coral has been lost in the past 3 decades. There are many causes of this (e.g. pollution, over-fishing), but the largest problem is considered to be climate change – the warming waters bleach and eventually kill the coral. Yet the Australian and Queensland governments are willing to put the reef at risk by allowing new mining and port facilities in the area, and by their inaction on climate change.
Tourism is Australia’s second largest export earner, employing more than half a million people. But many tourist destinations are threatened by extreme temperatures, increased flooding, rising ocean water levels and a shortened ski season.
Climate change is having a discernible effect on Australians’ health. Heatwaves cost more lives than all other natural hazards combined, and they are becoming “longer, hotter, and more frequent”. And rising temperatures increase the prevalence of some infectious diseases.
Local and even total species loss is another likely effect of climate change. Even small changes in temperature and rainfall can have significant impacts on the viability of many species in an area. Habitat is likely to be affected by rising ocean levels, changes in flooding regimes and vegetation changes. In addition to the effects on coral in the Great Barrier reef, scientists have concluded that many vegetation and animal species will have to adapt, relocate or face extinction.
Sea level rise
Rising sea levels threaten many costal ecosystems and development. Increased storm severity resulting in wave damage will affect, and even destroy, much coastal development.
See no evil, hear no evil?
The government professes to be concerned about the impacts of climate change, and claims to have an effective plan to address it. But whatever else we can say, we can know they are not actually addressing the problem. This graph shows that the Coalition parties have presided over increases in emissions, and only the Labor government of 2007-2012 has reduced emissions.

Short term gain
The government’s response to the climate facts and predictions has been varied. Some parliamentarians say it isn’t happening, contradicting their own government’s position and information. The most common claim is that they are addressing the problem adequately, and will meet all necessary targets – Prime Minister Scott Morrison said recently: “Australia is doing our part to cut global emissions”. We have seen that neither of these two claims stacks up and the government’s response is misleading the Australian people. This graph shows the present trajectory of emissions (in green and blue) and the trajectory necessary to meet our targets (red and purple).

A more honest response has been for several prominent members of the government to say that the government is not willing to harm the Australian economy and shut down the coal industry to combat climate change, despite that being the most important step in cutting carbon emissions.
There would obviously be an economic cost to achieve adequate climate targets, but cynics point to a cosy relationship between the coal industry and the Prime Minister, who has several former coal industry figures among his senior staff, and who once carried a lump of coal into parliament to “prove” it wasn’t a dangerous mineral.
The opposition party has similarly refused to support a wind-down of the coal industry.
The Prime Minister’s Liberal Party has the slogan Building our economy, Securing your future on the front page of its website, yet all the scientific predictions point to an accurate statement being Building our friends’ finances, ruining your future.
It is a difficult position for a government, because taking anything other than the selfish short term course would bring down the ire of the poisonous conservative Australian media. Nevertheless, it is short term thinking, when the government should be caring for the long term interests of the country.
Climate change is a real global emergency, and Australia, though a small country in population, is one of the highest per capita carbon emitters in the world. The only solution is for all countries to play their part, and the biggest emitters must set the example.
Not acting now really will cause serious problems later.
Is this an issue for christians?
This is God’s world we are so profligately destroying, and God’s people in at-risk locations who we are condemning to death, dislocation or severe poverty. Jesus commands us to love our neighbour (Matthew 22:37-40), not destroy their lives, and he says if we love him we’ll keep his commands (John 14:15).
It is particularly galling to me that our Prime Minister professes to be a committed christian, yet seems willing to be part of inflicting such harm on his neighbours and the world.
Read more
Next post, I’ll examine the impacts globally, and look at what can and should be done. You might also like to read more in these pages:
- Is the world really heating up? The first page in my new analysis of the problem.
- Climate change. Index page for this new series.
Photo: The Ministry of the Australian Government, from the website of the Prime Minister.
I don’t claim to be an expert on climate change/global warming but try to look at both sides of it as I research it. The climate is changing for sure, where I live in the Midwest part of the United States we have recently set records of cold temperatures and snowfall, the past three or four winters have been awful, the other seasons colder as well. It seems that severe weather is also more frequent than I have ever seen. But I instead of looking at it all as lost I chose to see the positives, changes we have already made. Things I remember from the past are vehicles without emissions control, lakes and rivers so polluted you could not stand the smell of them, now we eat the fish from them. Nobody had high performance windows now most do, energy efficient refrigerators, heating and cooling systems, unleaded gasoline, and on and on. Even the production of energy is far cleaner than in the past and that I can verify from family members who work in that industry. All of these things have happened because of stricter regulations and I am encouraged by it.
Another thing I often think about is what are we personally doing? I know many who are downright angry in their desire to see the government do something yet they do nothing themselves. Here is my challenge to them, do what I do and then come and talk to me about it. We recycle; only turn our air conditioner on in extreme heat and for short times. We feel kind of guilty at times knowing went over 50 years without even having it in our homes. We keep our furnace low in the winter and wear extra clothing if needed. Our vehicles are practical and not gas guzzling pickup trucks or SUV’s, again I could go on and on.
Again, because of what I have seen in the past I am hopeful, I don’t look to politicians who preach it but do not live it. Some of those advocating for change in the US live in homes over 10 times the size of mine, fly private jets and big cars, what hypocrites. I lean on my government as little as possible and believe if we would all do our part the world would change. So my question is; what are you and your readers doing personally? Please share, we might learn from each other.
Don’t buy the fossil fuel’s Merchants of Doubt party line, that each of us can mostly fix this by doing this or that or the other thing, that if we step up individually, this problem will recede but, in the meantime, we can’t afford to make significant changes.
This is not true and it uses a kernel of truth to sell the bigger lie.
The bigger lie is that we can continue to use fossil fuels as our energy source. We cannot… unless we’re willing to increase global mean temperatures in excess of 3.5 C by end of the century (rendering a drastic changes across all economic and social conditions). The cost of addressing all the changes this temperature rise will cause is already in the trillions of dollars. The energy we use today that drives this increase later in the century therefore cannot come from a carbon-based source. Period. End of story. So that’s where the solution must reside because this is the root cause of the radical onset of human caused climate change: carbon-based energy.
So the solution to the cause is to eliminate carbon-based energy and replace it with non carbon-based energy. This is why the change requires governments working together in multiple ways across multiple sectors and leaves the individual to adjust as best each of us can. The other few percentage points we can individually do to reduce our carbon footprint is fine and dandy and we will work towards this over time. But our carbon budget to keep the globe under 3.5 C by end of century has already been allocated in necessary emissions and every day we go without replacing carbon-based energy reduces the time needed for a transition budget between the replacement energies.
Hi Monte, thanks for your comment. I think all those things you are doing are highly admirable and important, but as Tildeb says, they won’t be enough, even if everyone does them. There are some things that can only be done effectively at a Governmental level (things like armies, currency, law and order, etc) and climate action is one of them. We need to stop using fossil fuels, and only governments can make some of the most necessary changes and the laws, and enforce them.
I agree with everything you say Unklee, my only consolation is that I didn’t vote for them, but the other side is just as bad in some cases.
The rate of land clearing in Queensland under a Labor State government continues almost unabated, while the NSW Liberal government has watered down the Native Vegetation Act, allowing more areas of land to be cleared and effectively destroyed as co2 abatement areas.There does not appear to be any commitment for land restoration programs, planting trees etc by any Federal or State government.
The Murray Darling system has been hijacked by a few cotton farmers at the top of the system, the result being huge fish kills and water shortages further down.
It’s quite a desperate situation really, but the really sad part is that the majority of the population doesn’t seem to care, having voted in a government well known for climate change scepticism and selling out to large mining and farming interests.
Another item of interest is that Christians seem deeply divided on this, as we now have the most religious PM in recent history who is leading the race for climate destruction, and few people in the churches seem motivated enough to contradict him. Their main concern seems to be “religious freedom” whatever that means, but that freedom does not extend to criticising the government on which they depend on finance for schools and other activities.
So congratulations to you for speaking out on behalf of concerned individuals, Christians or not.
Hi, I agree completely. The government and opposition in states and commonwealth are acting selfishly, and seem to be pandering to rich supporters and scared of the Murdoch press. The situation really is dire. I am old enough to miss the worst of this, but many children now will live to see terrible outcomes. I am totally ashamed of our Prime Minister.