Tag: mission

Just because you know something doesn't mean you have to say it!
(August 6, 2012)

Mike has questioned the point of my last post (Christians and Chick-fil-a), about when and how christians should speak out in the public arena, and when and how we shouldn’t. So I thought I would clarify in a new post.

Christians and Chick-fil-a
(August 4, 2012)

Chick-fil-a is apparently a chain of about 1600 chicken fast food stores in the US. Being an Aussie, I wouldn’t know. But apparently the chain has been in the news recently because of an allegedly anti-gay stance, mainly, as far as I can tell, seen through large donations to christian anti-gay causes. Recently protests by […]

Why christians should care about climate change
(July 31, 2012)

This page is now out-of-date. Please go to the updated page.

A small victory in the fight against child slavery
(July 18, 2012)

There has been a long campaign for chocolate companies to only source their cocoa from farms that don’t use trafficked child labour, and who pay the workers a fair wage. And progress has been slow. I have previously reported how I have joined many others in writing to chocolate companies here in Australia asking them […]

Make your life extraordinary
(July 2, 2012)

“Make your life extraordinary” is the advice school teacher John Keating gives his class in Dead Poets Society. Otis Clark seemed to achieve this without really trying. Otis died recently at the age of 109. He had a long and eventful life.

1 billion hungry: the global food crisis
(June 26, 2012)

Almost one billion people, an eighth of the world’s population, are hungry as you read this. Why?

Billy Graham on who will be 'saved'
(June 24, 2012)

I have previously posted on the various views christians have on who will be saved (Can only christians be saved?). The exclusivists say only those who specifically believe in Jesus. The universalists say everyone, eventually. And the inclusivists say anyone who follows whatever light they have been given. Recently I came across a quote that […]

Gospel centred or salvation centred?
(June 18, 2012)

Evangelical christianity has historically had a strong emphasis on personal salvation, which it sees as coming from repentance and faith in Jesus’ atoning work on the cross. This is generally seen as the main purpose of Jesus’ life and death. This basic evangelical teaching can be drawn from the letters of Paul (although some theologians […]

Christians and cathedrals
(June 14, 2012)

Jesus famously said “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” (Luke 9:58), but since the fourth century, christians have been building enormous cathedrals for him. Why?

Christians in communist China: lives lived courageously
(June 1, 2012)

Most christians are familiar with missionary stories, where brave christians battle great odds and dangers, but end up triumphant. Most of us are encouraged by these stories, written by christians for christians. But here are stories of incredibly persevering christians written by a Chinese non-believer who clearly respects each hero he interviews.