Tag: Change the world

Colonialism, war and selective memory
(August 21, 2017)

Photo: Slaves Waiting to be sold in Richmond, Virginia, painted in 1861 from an 1853 sketch. Wikipedia. The world has changed enormously in my lifetime. One thing that I never knew as a child but which seems to characterise the present age, is international terrorism. Terrorism, via car bomb, motor vehicle driven into crowds, gun […]

Christians and homosexuality – is there a peaceful way forward?
(August 10, 2017)

Difficult issues series This has been perhaps the most difficult post I have written. I’ve avoided writing about this issue because it is so divisive, and because I wasn’t sure I had anything worthwhile to say. But while I don’t pretend to have a solution to the argument between the traditionalists and the progressives, I […]

Do normal people take risks for Jesus?
(July 2, 2017)

I am currently re-reading Chasing the Dragon, Jackie Pullinger’s remarkable story of “life and death in Kowloon Walled City”. It tells how the lives of thousands of poor and addicted Hong Kong residents were dramatically changed as they were miraculously healed of heroin addiction. It also speaks to me of how God can use an […]

The way …. and the way forward?
(April 27, 2017)

The church in first world countries, as a whole, is losing ground, neither making converts nor making an impact. There are many ideas, many books, talks and blog posts, outlining the problems and the way forward, as someone sees it. But I recently came across a brief overview that I think provides a better understanding […]

The Death Penalty on Trial
(March 4, 2017)

Guest post by Shane Claiborne (taken from his Facebook page – see note below) Last month, I was arrested, along with 17 other people, as we held a banner on the steps of the Supreme Court that said: “STOP EXECUTIONS.” We were not blocking doors or disturbing the peace. We were not unruly or disruptive. […]

Seven facts about climate change that all christians should know
(February 16, 2017)

Last year was the hottest year globally since records began more than a century ago. For the third year in a row, the annual temperature records were exceeded. Yet so many people are sceptical and opposed to action on climate change. They seem to fear how climate change action may affect them, by costing them […]

Another king?
(November 24, 2016)

Critical issues:I think this post raises a crucially important matter for christians today. It was mob violence, but at least it didn’t lead to a lynching. Jason and a few friends, converts of the apostle Paul, were dragged before the city officials and angry accusations were made: “These men [meaning Paul and company] …. are […]

Does everyone deserve a chance at redemption?
(October 5, 2016)

The football team I follow has just won its first premiership after 50 years in the competition. There has been much rejoicing! But this isn’t, primarily, a post about football, but about people who make mistakes, and the possibilities our culture allows for redemption and restoration.

Sometimes words are not required
(September 9, 2016)

These three emails dropped into my Inbox within an hour today, in the order I show them.

Learning from Wild Rumpus
(July 12, 2016)

This community-based social enterprise has something to teach christians. There are many Wild Rumpus organisations in the world, but this post is about Wild Rumpus in Wollongong, Australia.