Tag: mission

Interfaith cooperation: compromising the gospel?
(December 10, 2014)

I think most christians are ambivalent, or even a little wary, about interfaith dialogue. It seems to compromise the truth of the gospel somehow. But it needn’t.

Book review: God doesn't do waste
(October 30, 2014)

How important should it be for christians to care for God’s world? Are ‘spiritual’ things more important? Does caring for the earth get in the way of christian ministry? This book offers some useful insights.

Evangelism in the 21st century
(October 20, 2014)

Some alternative ways to do evangelism in the twenty-first century.

Evangelism in the twenty-first century 1 – the past
(October 13, 2014)

The church I attend has embarked on a strategy of growth by trying to retain more visitors – either those attending weddings and funerals, or people members have invited to attend a church service. The services have been “streamlined”, visitors are welcomed in a systematic way, and the public spaces in the church building have […]

The mission of God
(September 24, 2014)

Evangelical christianity in the 20th century tended to see its main task as making converts for Jesus. Sure, we ran mission hospitals and schools, but doing much of that at home smacked of the “social gospel”, which only ‘liberals’ did. There was little need to care for the environment because this world is only temporary, […]

Becoming more like Jesus than like the Pharisees
(September 15, 2014)

In a recent post I discussed a 2013 survey which suggested that more US christians behaved like Pharisees than behaved like Jesus. And I had to admit I didn’t score as well myself as I’d have liked 1. So what needs to change?

Christians, non-violence and the Middle East – more food for thought
(September 12, 2014)

I posted a while back on this topic. I have just come across an excellent article on the same topic.

Test yourself: are you more like Jesus or more like the Pharisees?
(September 4, 2014)

It was done more than a year ago but I’ve only just seen it – a survey by the Barna Group about whether US christians more resembled Jesus or Pharisees. Like Hans Solo said: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” [Note: A reader has pointed out that using Pharisees as a point of comparison […]

Don't plant a church, plant a mission?
(August 26, 2014)

When I was a young christian, most churches were part of a denomination and most people knew what denomination they belonged to, even if they never actually attended. People didn’t switch denominations very often. When they moved house, they would generally find the closest church of their denomination and attend it. Most new churches began […]

Do we need Matt Chandler to preach the gospel to our friends?
(August 19, 2014)

It was a simple announcement in our church on the weekend. Renowned christian speaker and leader, Matt Chandler, is coming to Sydney and will be speaking at an event. We were told that Matt is a great teacher, the gospel would be preached, and it was a great opportunity to bring our non-christian friends. It […]