Tag: christians

Weather: going to extremes
(July 19, 2012)

This post is now out of date, and is replaced by the page Weather: going to extremes

Who's afraid of climate change?
(July 12, 2012)

I have blogged on climate change before – see Climate change and christians and Christians and climate change. Almost another year has passed and new information is now available. It’s time to review. Over the next couple of weeks I’ll look at the evidence, the causes and the effects. Most importantly, I’ll be looking at […]

Make your life extraordinary
(July 2, 2012)

“Make your life extraordinary” is the advice school teacher John Keating gives his class in Dead Poets Society. Otis Clark seemed to achieve this without really trying. Otis died recently at the age of 109. He had a long and eventful life.

Pastors who once were christians
(June 5, 2012)

Not long ago I commented on the number of Atheists who once were christians I had come across on the web and in real life. Recently, I’m finding former pastors. Many of these guys are still struggling with doubt, unwilling to give up their job and let down the people who depend on them, but […]

Christians in communist China: lives lived courageously
(June 1, 2012)

Most christians are familiar with missionary stories, where brave christians battle great odds and dangers, but end up triumphant. Most of us are encouraged by these stories, written by christians for christians. But here are stories of incredibly persevering christians written by a Chinese non-believer who clearly respects each hero he interviews.

Atheists who once were christians
(April 14, 2012)

We can read the statistics which show that, in most western countries, church attendance has fallen in the last century. In some cases it is still falling, though in others it has levelled out. The ‘leavers’ are not necessarily giving up all belief in God – many list themselves as ‘not committed’ – but some […]

Does God prefer belief or obedience?
(April 6, 2012)

“God Prefers Kind Atheists Over Hateful Christians” said the article and the photo, and it caught my attention as it caught many others’ (as it was aimed at doing). Is it true?

Reason and ridicule
(February 29, 2012)

Criticisms of christians and christian faith seem to be more widespread and trenchant than they used to be. And the main basis of the attack is that christianity is not reasonable, not based on evidence. Yet in my experience, the attacks that have greatest impact are not intellectual but emotional, built as much on ridicule […]

Urban Neighbours of Hope
(February 11, 2012)

I met Jon Owen at the Black Stump music festival. Over three days I listened to his stories and was impressed. I laughed a lot, but had the odd tear as well. Jon and his wife Lisa live in one of Sydney’s most depressed suburbs as part of a community supported by Urban Neighbours of […]

Who's afraid of Yahweh?
(February 7, 2012)

It doesn’t take long before a thoughtful Bible reader comes across some rather odd and nasty things, especially in the Old Testament. And non-believers use the odd and nasty things as a weapon against christians: “How can you believe in a God who is genocidal?” they might say. What are we to make of these […]