Tag: ClimateChange

8 actions to save God’s world and his people
(October 3, 2022)

The world is in a sorry state right now. Not only a brutal unjustified invasion of Ukraine with its accompanying atrocities, not only anti-democracy movements in many counties, but climate catastrophes. Record, unprecedented flooding in Europe, Pakistan and Australia. Fierce wildfires in the US, Europe and Australia. Destructive storms in the US and Japan. Worsening […]

Fake news and tribalism are the new black?
(January 4, 2020)

Monthly challenge I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about people’s attitudes to climate change recently, and I am reinforced in the view that we (all people, but especially christians) have entered a new era.

All is quiet on New Year's Eve …. not!
(December 31, 2019)

Some of the happiest memories of my life are family holidays down the south coast of NSW when I was a boy. We’d go to bed early and at about 1 a.m. mum and dad would wake us up, we’d pack the car and set off. Down Mt Ousley in the night fog while us […]

Addressing climate change: six facts
(October 24, 2019)

This page in brief We have seen that there are many good reasons to take action to limit global warming. But will it cost too much? On this page, I summarise the latest data on costs, which show that it will be far more costly to do nothing. Action is very cost-beneficial. (I give references […]

"A little child shall lead them"?
(September 26, 2019)

I usually post matters that I have researched carefully and can present in a reasoned and calm way. This may be more of a rant, or a bleat, or a lament. We all know who this is In just 12 months, Greta Thunberg has come from total obscurity, just another teenager, to become a world […]

Signs of the times 2
(September 24, 2019)

Clever signs at the Global Climate Strike in Sydney.

Short-sighted selfishness rules, OK?
(August 24, 2019)

This is the Ministry (the main decision-makers) in the Australian Government. These people lead the Government, develop policy, plan legislation and lead the various Government Departments which have responsibility for (among other things) trade, commerce, agriculture, social services and foreign affairs. The Government also has a role in health and environmental issues (which are more […]

We came, we marched, who cares?
(December 1, 2015)

So, about 40,000 of us “marched” (I was more like strolling on a warm afternoon!) in Sydney; many, many more around the world. The march was loosely organised around colour groups – Australia’s first nations peoples at the start, mostly in black, then a large contingent of Pacific Islanders (who are already feeling the effects) […]

Creation Care – the next crucial step
(November 26, 2015)

The world does appear to be changing. For years, the scientists have been warning of global warming. The majority of people, in western countries at least, have accepted that our actions were causing a real problem, but few governments were willing to do much about it. But the problems are becoming more obvious, the alternative […]