Tag: God

Believing the Bible: the Old Testament – 2
(March 10, 2013)

This is the twelfth in a series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. This post: the very difficult question of how a christian should view the Old Testament.

We pause for a short break: Moses learns science
(March 6, 2013)

This is old now, but I’ve not posted it here before, and it’s sort of appropriate right now. Some critics of the Bible say it cannot be considered true in any sense because it doesn’t contain accurate scientific information. If God had really written the Bible, wouldn’t it be more scientific? Reading this comment years […]

Believing the Bible: the Old Testament – 1
(March 3, 2013)

This is the eleventh in a series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. So far, the matters we have been discussing seem, to me at least, to be fairly clear and straightforward. They have been based on clear statements in the Bible (or lack of them) and the clear views of […]

Believing the Bible: the New Testament
(February 26, 2013)

This is the tenth in a series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. We have seen that the Bible claims to be an authoritative scripture which reveals God. We have also seen that it doesn’t seem to claim to be inerrant or the very words of God himself. So what can […]

Is the Bible inerrant – and does it matter?
(February 23, 2013)

This is the ninth in a series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. Christians generally believe the Bible, and believe in the Bible, but what should we believe about the Bible? Probably the strongest claim christians make about the Bible is that it is inerrant – it contains no errors. There […]

Interpreting the Bible: the story so far
(February 11, 2013)

I have looked at six topics so far in this series on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. Before I move on to draw some conclusions, I want to sum up what I have learnt so far.

Conversion stories: another part of the picture
(February 9, 2013)

I have commented before on people who decide they no longer believe in Jesus (see Atheists who once were christians, Pastors who once were christians, and Why do some christians give up belief?). But this is only one side of the story. At the same time, a significant number of people from a non-religious background […]

A tale of two covenants
(February 4, 2013)

This is the sixth in a series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. The Bible is divided into two ‘Testaments’. It is obvious that the Old Testament tells about Hebrew history and religion before Jesus, while the New Testament tells about the coming of Jesus and what happened next. But is […]

The Naked Anabaptist
(August 26, 2012)

The Anabaptist are a often forgotten part of the christian church. We know about the split which separated the eastern Orthodox churches from the Roman church. In the west we are more familiar with the Reformation, where the Protestant churches split from the Roman Catholic church. But there was a third group in the Reformation, […]

Billy Graham on who will be 'saved'
(June 24, 2012)

I have previously posted on the various views christians have on who will be saved (Can only christians be saved?). The exclusivists say only those who specifically believe in Jesus. The universalists say everyone, eventually. And the inclusivists say anyone who follows whatever light they have been given. Recently I came across a quote that […]