Tag: christians

How should a christian read the Bible?
(March 20, 2013)

We are nearly at the end of this series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. Today: in the light of all I’ve concluded so far, how should we read the Bible and apply it?

Conversion stories: another part of the picture
(February 9, 2013)

I have commented before on people who decide they no longer believe in Jesus (see Atheists who once were christians, Pastors who once were christians, and Why do some christians give up belief?). But this is only one side of the story. At the same time, a significant number of people from a non-religious background […]

Everyone disbelieves some parts of the Bible
(January 1, 2013)

Christians have probably argued more about the Bible, and how to interpret it, than almost anything else. Many churches say they believe the “Bible alone”, echoing the Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura. Yet I believe there is always a gap between the claim and the actual belief. I am a christian who believes the Bible […]

Guns and christians
(December 29, 2012)

Many people have commented these past few weeks on gun ownership in the US. As an Australian, I hesitate to enter into the debate, so I won’t discuss either of the key questions – whether a high level of gun ownership reduces or increases gun deaths, and whether the laws in the US should be […]

Contraception and abortion
(December 26, 2012)

I saw this story a while back but only got around to posting about it now – a study has shown how abortion rates can apparently be more than halved.

Peace and non-violence
(December 17, 2012)

Completing my examination of things we can all learn from the Anabaptists, with the core conviction on peace and non-violence.

Spirituality, justice and money
(December 12, 2012)

Another core Anabaptist conviction to challenge us all.

Are we known for grace or judgment?
(December 5, 2012)

Jesus told a very striking story. You probably know it. A man owed a large amount of money but couldn’t pay, so he asked his banker for extra time to make the repayment. And he was given time. But then he called in a small debt he was owed, and refused the poor man’s entreaties […]

Don Richardson: a blast from the past!
(December 1, 2012)

Pioneer missionary returns to the Sawi people of West Papua 50 years after his ground-breaking time with them.

I'm a published author!
(November 29, 2012)

Or, to be more accurate, I soon will be. It is a phenomenon reported by pollster George Barna, observed by many of us and experienced by some – feeling dissatisfied with church. Not just complaining that something isn’t perfectly the way we like it, or disliking the people, but feeling deeply alienated from the church […]