Should we update the creeds?
(May 27, 2024)Many churches include repeating the Apostles or Nicene Creed during services. But are they still relevant and helpful?
Many churches include repeating the Apostles or Nicene Creed during services. But are they still relevant and helpful?
The latest post, Becoming a more loving church, outlines a few things I learnt at a recent Future Church conference. You may find it interesting.
I’ve started a new blog. Check it out if you’re interested in revolutionising the Christian church to carry on the mission of Jesus in these times.
Is Bible study helping us be better disciples of Jesus, or is Bible knowledge actually a substitute for obedience?
Do you feel close to God? Would you describe yourself as a spiritual person? Have you ever had a meaningful experience of God that has impacted you deeply? I have to confess I must answer “no” to each of those questions. My faith is much more based on facts and ideas and knowledge. But everyone […]
A bunch of people were attending a meeting in a church in Sydney, not a church service, but a meeting to discuss gender politics and impacts on children. There were some protesters there too. Then things turned ugly and a mob attacked with glass bottles and rocks. People screamed and swore, a woman was punched. […]
Art by talented and thoughtful final year high school students shows how the coming generations feel about themselves, their families, the world and the future.
Its pretty obvious that the world thrives on difference. We can see it in the climate, where temperature differences lead to differences in air pressure, so we have wind. We see it in ecology, where an ecosystem is made up of different plants and animals, each playing its part in sustaining that ecosystem. Take one […]
Five years ago we attended a service of lament and support for indigenous christians who cannot celebrate Australia Day with the rest of the country. The service highlighted issues that I think we all wish weren’t there, or would go away. Last night we watched an online prayer service conducted by Aboriginal christians seeking to […]
“It’s no secret that the stars are falling from the skyIt’s no secret that our world is in darkness tonight.” U2, The Fly And it’s no secret that the church in the western world has lost credibility, numbers and influence. And that christian faith has been in decline in western countries as a proportion of […]