Category: Mission

Living in a toxic world

Some parts of the world and ways people treat each other seem to be getting more toxic. But there are ways we can stand apart from that.

Amid the gloom, much good news

Monthly challenge – supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

Weep with those who weep

Australia Day is a national holiday and day of celebration – except for our indigenous people, who have suffered so much since European settlement.

Take real steps to support poor workers in the clothing industry

Monthly challenge December challenge It should be no news to anyone that the clothing industry has a sad history of paying meagre wages and offering unhealthy working conditions to workers in poor countries, all to reduce the price of the clothing in richer countries by a few cents. Not so long ago, it was estimated […]

A body born again

Book Review: Metanoia by Anna McGahan. Once I started reading this remarkable book I was hooked. I want to tell you why I think it is so worth reading.

Buy only "good" chocolate for a month

Monthly challenge November challenge It’s not such a hard challenge, really. Eating chocolate I mean. But the good news is that it’s also not so hard to eat “good” (i.e. ethical) chocolate these days. If you don’t want to be complicit in slavery, child labour, poor working conditions for poor workers or unsustainable practices (and […]

Christianity, pluralism and truth

Book review of “Why did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed cross the road” by Brian McLaren. A challenging book that raises some important issues.

Addressing climate change: six facts

This page in brief We have seen that there are many good reasons to take action to limit global warming. But will it cost too much? On this page, I summarise the latest data on costs, which show that it will be far more costly to do nothing. Action is very cost-beneficial. (I give references […]

Short-sighted selfishness rules, OK? Part 2

The story so far …. A few weeks back I outlined how lack of foresight and turning a blind eye to facts means the Australian government is harming the people it represents and the country it governs. In this post I continue the sorry story with some facts about how our government, and most other […]

Start using re-usable produce bags

Monthly challenge. October challenge We all know that plastic has got out of control. I can remember when I was a boy and plastics became more readily available and it was great! Suddenly cups were almost unbreakable. But now plastics are littering land and sea, killing animals and fish that swallow them or get tangled […]