Tag: christianity

Dream ….. for tomorrow
(August 9, 2015)

Just watch this …. and weep with joy and hope. No more words necessary. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHVRZ5R2UDY&w=560&h=315]

Is Bible inerrancy a key doctrine for christians?
(July 30, 2015)

Difficult issues series The inerrancy of the Bible has become a divisive doctrine in recent years. Many churches and colleges, in the US in particular, treat this as a “make or break” doctrine, lecturers have been sacked for denying it, and accusations are made against those who hold a different view. At the same time, […]

Learning from an atheist
(July 10, 2015)

Apologetics series Many atheists have alleged that great harm has been done by religion, christianity in particular. Even if they have overstated their case, we can, and must, still learn from their criticisms. And if the analysis is fair, we have all the more reason to listen and repent. Keith Parsons is a US philosopher […]

If God knows everything, why pray?
(June 30, 2015)

Spiritual Principles series There are several different types of prayer – several different types of conversations we may have with God, if you like to look at it that way. Sometimes we need to ask for forgiveness, sometimes we want to thank him or tell him we love him, sometimes we just want to meditate […]

Finding Truth
(June 2, 2015)

I had never heard of this book or its author until a friend bought it for me as a present. (Thanks S!) But it proved to be a really worthwhile read.

Face to face with the Old Testament
(May 22, 2015)

The Old Testament presents a number of problems for many christians. We are taught it is the inspired Word of God, yet it contains many things we find difficult – Genesis 1-3 is contradicted by evolution, God commands his people to invade and kill, and there are some strange events that are hard to swallow […]

Old Testament God angry, New Testament God loving. Right? Or wrong?
(May 15, 2015)

In the Old Testament, God, who is variously known by names like Elohim, Yahweh, Adonai and El Shaddai, is active, angry and violent – talking to Moses, defeating armies, guiding by pillars of smoke and of fire, and threatening those who disobey. But in the New Testament, God seems to be more relaxed – a […]

Which New Testament scholars should we trust?
(April 18, 2015)

I was asked by a reader recently to outline why I recommend and refer to certain New Testament scholars and not others. I refer to historical scholars often enough, and other websites do too, she said, so how do we know who to trust? I thought this was a good question. So here’s how I […]

Teenage artists make me think
(February 28, 2015)

All art, whether visual, written, musical or film, is supposed to reflect something of the mind and world of the artist, and make the viewer, listener or reader think or feel something they might not otherwise do. An exhibition of artworks by High School students did exactly that for me.

CS Lewis on the Bible, history and myth
(January 15, 2015)

CS Lewis was one of the most influential christian writers of the past century. His view of the Bible comes from his expert knowledge of ancient literature, history, language and culture. I think he points us to a better and more faithful understanding of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, that can help us all […]