Do we have a soul and is it immortal?

January 5th, 2012

A friend asked me about this the other day, and I had to research it, so I thought I would post what I learned. The idea of an immortal soul which lives on after death is part of many people’s understanding of christianity. But it probably isn’t true.

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Resurrecting the trilemma

January 1st, 2012

In my last post (CS Lewis’ trilemma – not so effective now?), I discussed the much used argument, made famous by CS Lewis, that Jesus claimed to be divine, something a good and sane person would not do. Therefore Jesus must either have not been good, or not sane, or he was indeed divine. The […]

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CS Lewis' trilemma – not so effective now?

December 30th, 2011

I have been a CS Lewis fan since my youth. So I remember being impressed by his argument, in Mere Christianity, that Jesus was divine. He could not have been merely a great moral teacher, Lewis argued, for his claims were such that either he was mad, or evil, or truly the Lord. These days, […]

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The Queen's speech

December 26th, 2011

Every year the Queen records a Christmas message for those of us in the British Commonwealth. I think the idea of a Queen and the Commonwealth are somewhat anachronistic and I usually don’t watch the Queen’s message when it comes on at the end of the ABC 7:00 pm Christmas Day TV News. But I […]

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Why did Jesus come to earth?

December 25th, 2011

Whatever christians disagree on, we all pretty much agree that Jesus’ life on earth was pivotal in world history. But what was the purpose of his life? On that, you’ll get some different answers.

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Fair Trade chocolate – report 2

December 22nd, 2011

Back in November I reported on exploitation in the world cocoa trade in My pleasure, their misery?. At that time I wrote about this to two prominent chocolate manufacturers. I subsequently reported (Fair Trade chocolate – report 2) that I had received a reply from Cadbury indicating their ongoing support for Fair Trade products. I […]

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Christians and Twitter

December 18th, 2011

I’ve never used Twitter. I’m not really interested, and I doubt anyone would want to read my tweets anyway. But many christians use it, especially well-known ones – writers, leaders, entertainers and bloggers. But I’m beginning to wonder whether a lot of this christian tweeting is counter-productive.

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How does reading the Bible change you?

December 13th, 2011

Some people read the Bible nearly every day. Some people feel guilty that they don’t read it every day. Some people read it only to criticise it, while others never read it. What effect does Bible reading have on the reader? Some recent surveys have some interesting findings.

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Books: make your church a better place

December 10th, 2011

Over the years I’ve read a lot of books about changing the church. Probably out of desperation, I think. Things really must change, and they are, but too slowly. I’ve read a lot of good books in that time, and bypassed a few that didn’t look so good. But here’s four books I can recommend […]

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Fair Trade chocolate – report 1

December 9th, 2011

A couple of weeks ago, I outlined some facts about exploitation in the growing of cocoa for chocolate (see My pleasure, their misery?) and at the same time wrote to two prominent chocolate manufacturers expressing my concerns and asking them to make more concerted moves to only source cocoa from growers who were paid a […]

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A list of all blog posts, in reverse chronological order, is on the Blog archive page.