Search Results for: "lewis"

CS Lewis on the Bible, history and myth

CS Lewis was one of the most influential christian writers of the past century. His view of the Bible comes from his expert knowledge of ancient literature, history, language and culture. I think he points us to a better and more faithful understanding of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, that can help us all […]

Book review: Alister McGrath's biography of CS Lewis

CS Lewis was probably the biggest influence on my young christian faith. I read virtually everything of his I could get hold of, especially enjoying Mere Christianity, Miracles, The Pilgrim’s Regress, That Hideous Strength, The Last Battle and his essays Is Theology Poetry? and Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism. I read his autobiography, Surprised by […]

CS Lewis

CS Lewis, christian, author, apologist and academic, died 50 years ago last week, and many assessments of his life and work have been made in commemoration. I think he was, arguably, the most influential christian in the western world in the last century. And, definitely, he has been the most influential writer and teacher in […]

CS Lewis' trilemma – not so effective now?

I have been a CS Lewis fan since my youth. So I remember being impressed by his argument, in Mere Christianity, that Jesus was divine. He could not have been merely a great moral teacher, Lewis argued, for his claims were such that either he was mad, or evil, or truly the Lord. These days, […]

Understanding the death of Jesus

Regrettably there are fierce arguments about the exact purpose of Jesus dying. Perhaps this Easter we can have some humility about what is most meaningful to us and about others who find something else more meaningful?

Does Jesus want action more than belief?

What is the core of Jesus’ life and teachings, the atonement or the Sermon on the Mount? Perhaps they both are central?

How I learned to love the Bible in a new way

I wasn’t raised in a Christian family, but I was sent to Sunday School, where I was taught Bible stories. I came to believe in Jesus when I was about 17. As a young Christian, I was taught the Bible was God’s Word and without any mistakes. I was encouraged to read it every day, […]

What do the universe, human race, church and Bible have in common?

Science has given us new understandings of the universe and the evolution of life. Can we learn something of God’s character from all this, and apply this to the Bible?

Callous christians?

The apparent commands of God in the Old Testament to commit genocide have long troubled me, as they should trouble any thoughtful and compassionate person. (I hope I am both!) How could a God of love command such atrocities? I think this problem can be resolved with God’s good name intact, if we understand the […]

Reasons to believe God exists

Most people’s belief or disbelief in God is based on fairly personal factors (I think). For many christians, belief is based on Jesus as he is portrayed in the gospels. But some people (including me) also look to philosophy and science to provide information and arguments. Here is a summary of some of the arguments. […]