If you don't laugh, you cry!

While we are on the subject of Australia’s attitude to refugees arriving by boat, here is a telling sketch by Aussie satirists John Clarke and Bryan Dawe. (Actually John comes from New Zealand, but works in Australia.)

For those not familiar with Aussie politics, the sketch presents hardline Australian Government Minister for Immigration, Scott Morrison, who is a christian, as a schoolboy before the headmaster.

It is very galling when non-believers (I presume) have more christian standards than self-confessed christians do.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v79AyoJOtx4?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

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  1. These blokes are always guaranteed to make my laugh. Do you remember the series The Games? Comedy gold.

  2. It is very galling when non-believers (I presume) have more christian standards than self-confessed christians do.

    Welcome to America 🙁
    Yes, I know you are in Australia. But that problem is commonplace here.

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