Tag: religion

When churches lose sight of their core
(December 27, 2017)

Child sexual abuse is a terrible crime and rightly loathed by most people. And churches have, tragically, been home to some of the worst offenders. The Australian Government set up a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse almost 5 years ago. (A Royal Commission is a judicial process that has wide powers, […]

Book review: Disarming Scripture
(December 14, 2017)

Disarming Scripture by Derek Flood The Old Testament world was a violent place. For a christian, the most troubling violence is surely that said to be commanded by God, whether it be Abraham being commanded to sacrifice his son and heir Isaac, Joshua commanded to exterminate Canaanites who are unfortunate enough to be living in […]

Learning from our mistakes as the world changes around us
(December 5, 2017)

Christianity began as a minority group within Judaism and within the Roman Empire. But from the time Constantine made it acceptable, christianity became the dominant religion, and Christendom was generally the dominant social force, in Europe and colonies in Africa, the Americas and the Pacific. Christianity was often the state religion, most people were nominally […]

Did the exodus really happen?
(September 12, 2017)

The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and their travel to the Promised Land is one of the key events in Jewish religious history, and, therefore, in christian belief as well. But did it actually happen? Did something like 2 million people cross the Red Sea and through the Sinai, aided and guided by miraculous […]

Disturbing thoughts about christians and politics
(May 22, 2017)

Have you ever wondered how christians, who believe more or less the same things about Jesus and God, believe widely divergent things about politics and public morality? Specifically, if you are more conservative politically, do you wonder how more liberal christians can possibly think and vote as they do? And if you are more liberal […]

Do conservative churches grow more than liberal ones?
(February 23, 2017)

For years, more progressive or liberal christians have been saying the churches need to change to meet the challenges of modern (or postmodern) society. More conservative christians have argued that we should remain faithful to traditional understandings and practices. Both sides can tend to welcome studies and surveys that show their approach is working better. […]

Did the Catholic church invent Jesus, write the gospels in the 4th century and suppress the truth?
(December 11, 2016)

This page in brief Did the Catholic Church invent Jesus, create legends about his life, write the New Testament which is more fiction than fact, and suppress the truth about the origins of christianity? Claims like these have been made in comments on this blog and elsewhere, but is there any historical basis to them? […]

Red letter christians?
(November 14, 2016)

We are visiting family in the US right now, and the recent Presidential election is on everyone’s minds here. Reports are coming in that apparent white supremacists have been attacking, verbally or physically, people who belong to minorities such as blacks, Muslims and Latinos. Right wing christians are expressing relief that Hilary Clinton, who they […]

How many christians does it take to change a light bulb?
(November 8, 2016)

Q: How many christians does it take to change a light bulb? A: Change? I think most people have an impression that christians are generally conservative, holding on to traditional values and truths and resistant to change. Is this true? And if so, is it a problem?

How God changes your brain
(August 10, 2016)

As a christian, I find neuroscience research fascinating, especially where scientific discoveries seem to give support to my christian faith. This post continues the discussion of science and christian belief in my previous post, If evolution is true, how can consciousness and free will be explained?