Tag: New Testament

The kingdom of God – a ticket to heaven?
(January 25, 2017)

I was talking with an evangelical minister recently, about social justice and the mission of the church. He felt evangelism should be clearly our highest priority, because it has “eternal consequences”. I suggested that wasn’t how Jesus saw things – his main message and highest priority seemed to be the kingdom of God. But the […]

The real story of Jesus' birth?
(December 21, 2016)

The Christmas story is known and loved by many people who wouldn’t call themselves “christians”. The details are well known: angels, a stable with straw and animals, shepherds, 3 wise men with gifts, etc, and in the centre a glowing mother and a perfectly formed baby. Historians are not so sure about all these details, […]

Did the Catholic church invent Jesus, write the gospels in the 4th century and suppress the truth?
(December 11, 2016)

This page in brief Did the Catholic Church invent Jesus, create legends about his life, write the New Testament which is more fiction than fact, and suppress the truth about the origins of christianity? Claims like these have been made in comments on this blog and elsewhere, but is there any historical basis to them? […]

Jesus said we are all gods?
(July 22, 2016)

One of the distinctives of the christian religion is the belief that Jesus was divine, the son of God, the second person of the Trinity. There’s a big difference between him and us, and we can never become divine like him. So what’s Jesus doing apparently saying ordinary people are gods?

Three views on hell and judgment
(May 11, 2016)

So far I have looked at two doctrinal issues in this series – Three different views of the Bible and three different ways to read it and Three different views of social justice and the gospel – and each time I have concluded that the truth lies between the two more polarised views. It probably […]

Jesus vs Paul?
(January 22, 2016)

Difficult issues series It doesn’t take a lot of reading in the New Testament before you notice that Paul seems to have a different emphasis to Jesus. Can we learn something from these apparent differences?

After the gospels, one of the best (and shortest) books you'll read about Jesus
(January 14, 2016)

You wouldn’t even try to count the number of books written about Jesus. Most of them would have value, I guess, but some are long and scholarly, others lack a good historical basis. But here’s one that is short, written by a respected historian and is encouraging to faith. What’s not to like? It is […]

A "revelation of God’s true nature"?
(December 29, 2015)

I concluded my previous post on DNA and evolution with this comment: “DNA is fundamental to all life. As christians we can see it as part of the way God has set up the universe. So we should be willing and interested to learn what it tells us about life. I think what we learn […]

Close to misunderstanding Jesus?
(November 1, 2015)

Difficult issues series On the first Counting Crows album, Adam Duritz sang about Maria, who said she was “close to understanding Jesus”. But I can’t help feeling that modern western christianity has covered Jesus in layers of theology and convenience, and is close to misunderstanding Jesus. If you think that’s harsh, please read on.

Is Bible inerrancy a key doctrine for christians?
(July 30, 2015)

Difficult issues series The inerrancy of the Bible has become a divisive doctrine in recent years. Many churches and colleges, in the US in particular, treat this as a “make or break” doctrine, lecturers have been sacked for denying it, and accusations are made against those who hold a different view. At the same time, […]