Tag: Change the church

Donald Trump and the prophets
(November 13, 2020)

American christians are deeply polarised over their response to Donald Trump. Why is this, and where does it leave the church?

Christian nationalism: will the true christians please stand up!
(September 1, 2020)

Is a new religion of christian nationalism being formed in the US, and in Australia? Or is it an old heresy re-vitalised?

Don’t miss the moment
(August 14, 2020)

Someone I know had an interesting picture come into their mind recently. They were lying in bed, about to drift off, when they “saw” a group of people standing near the edge of a cliff, a little like the one in the picture above. The people were looking this way and that over unexplored territory. […]

Was Jesus a socialist?
(July 29, 2020)

Some christians are accusing others of being socialists, as if that’s bad. But is it? Are Jesus’ teachings socialist?

Is it time to ditch the sermon?
(July 18, 2020)

Protestant church services have included long sermons since before we were all born. But the coronavirus pandemic may be changing all that.

When Jesus becomes a slogan
(July 5, 2020)

Jesus told a little parable against the Jewish religious leaders that I don’t recall ever hearing anyone preach on. It’s in Matthew and Luke, and it tells of two sons.

Two kinds of christians? (An outsider's view)
(June 28, 2020)

A “heathen” notices that Right Wing Christians and Left Wing Christians have very different priorities.

Prayer, mental health, God, church …. and Covid-19
(May 31, 2020)

In these troubled times, people’s mental health is under stress, but there are things we can all do, and churches can do, to help.

Will Covid-19 change the church?
(May 15, 2020)

A recent report offers hope that churches may make some helpful changes that will improve how they serve the world.

5 ways to live in a toxic world
(April 26, 2020)

A few weeks back I posted about living in a toxic world, because of unattractive and nasty things I was seeing: Lack of compassion and loss of community Polarisation and tribalism Triviality The dumbing down of politics The rich control the media A number of political ploys seem to have led us to this point: […]