Tag: Change the church

Justice and the gospel
(February 15, 2014)

When I was a young christian (a few decades ago now!), evangelical churches tended to focus on evangelism, and some viewed justice and social action with suspicion. Things have changed since then, with most christians and churches supportive of social welfare and overseas aid programs. There is still a tendency to see these programs as […]

Transform your church – permanently
(February 9, 2014)

I have said before (Church as a community of people) that I am a great fan of the blog Church in a circle. Their latest post, 10 principles which could transform your church practices – permanently is well worth checking out, as it summarises some of the ‘big ideas’ they have been learning and blogging […]

What is the Bible and what are we supposed to do with it?
(January 24, 2014)

Before Christmas I reviewed Peter Enns’ book, Inspiration and Incarnation, and checked out his main ideas in a little more detail, finishing with Interpreting the Old Testament. Now to his summing up – what does all this say about the Bible and how we should read it?

Christians, prejudice and love for 'enemies': living in the opposite spirit
(January 16, 2014)

Last post I looked at how some studies show that many christians are prejudiced towards groups such as gays, atheists and Muslims, and are less likely than other people to show love to members of these groups. How can we start to bring about change?

Christians, prejudice and love for 'enemies'
(January 9, 2014)

Jesus told his followers, quite definitely, to love their enemies, and warned them against hatred. Yet today, the public image of christians is somewhat tarnished – some christians are seen to be loving and caring, but others are seen to be prejudiced and intolerant, especially towards groups like gays and Muslims. What is the evidence […]

Pope Francis – where's the surprise?
(January 5, 2014)

Let’s start the year with a good news story! Since he was elected in March, Pope Francis has been making waves and charming friend and foe alike. It’s worth reviewing.

Interpreting the Old Testament
(December 30, 2013)

Previous posts on topics related to Peter Enns’ book Inspiration and Incarnation: The Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Literature and Variation in Old Testament teachings. Finally, how Jesus and the New Testament writers interpreted the Old Testament. It wasn’t the same way we do it today.

Wealth, poverty, inequality …. and Jesus
(December 13, 2013)

Try this brief quiz (if you haven’t seen my other blog): Which country is the richest in the world in terms of median wealth? Which countries come close? Which countries have the greatest and least disparity between the rich and the rest? In the richest country, what percentage of people live in poverty? Have a […]

Book review: Inspiration and Incarnation
(December 4, 2013)

Understanding the Old Testament isn’t always easy. As well as Genesis-evolution, there are many apparent inconsistencies, within the Old Testament, and between the Old and New Testaments. And those who have read a little about ancient Middle East archaeology, history and literature may have noted similarities between Biblical accounts of creation, the flood and the […]

CS Lewis
(November 26, 2013)

CS Lewis, christian, author, apologist and academic, died 50 years ago last week, and many assessments of his life and work have been made in commemoration. I think he was, arguably, the most influential christian in the western world in the last century. And, definitely, he has been the most influential writer and teacher in […]