Category: Changing the world

Buy only "good" chocolate for a month

Monthly challenge November challenge It’s not such a hard challenge, really. Eating chocolate I mean. But the good news is that it’s also not so hard to eat “good” (i.e. ethical) chocolate these days. If you don’t want to be complicit in slavery, child labour, poor working conditions for poor workers or unsustainable practices (and […]

Addressing climate change: six facts

This page in brief We have seen that there are many good reasons to take action to limit global warming. But will it cost too much? On this page, I summarise the latest data on costs, which show that it will be far more costly to do nothing. Action is very cost-beneficial. (I give references […]

Short-sighted selfishness rules, OK? Part 2

The story so far …. A few weeks back I outlined how lack of foresight and turning a blind eye to facts means the Australian government is harming the people it represents and the country it governs. In this post I continue the sorry story with some facts about how our government, and most other […]

Start using re-usable produce bags

Monthly challenge. October challenge We all know that plastic has got out of control. I can remember when I was a boy and plastics became more readily available and it was great! Suddenly cups were almost unbreakable. But now plastics are littering land and sea, killing animals and fish that swallow them or get tangled […]

"A little child shall lead them"?

I usually post matters that I have researched carefully and can present in a reasoned and calm way. This may be more of a rant, or a bleat, or a lament. We all know who this is In just 12 months, Greta Thunberg has come from total obscurity, just another teenager, to become a world […]

Signs of the times 2

Clever signs at the Global Climate Strike in Sydney.

Discipleship, ecology and everyday economics

Book review: Coming Home by Jonathan Cornford I heard Jonathan Cornford speak at a conference a couple of years ago, and he was one of the most interesting and challenging speakers I have ever heard. So when I saw this book published earlier this year, I quickly bought it. It didn’t disappoint.

Make your own lunch for a week

Monthly challenge. September challenge Don’t buy lunch for a week, but make it and take it from home. Our parents or grandparents rarely ate out, except at friends’ homes, but takeaway and fast food, and restaurant dining, have become a major part of modern diets. This has many advantages, but a few drawbacks too: it […]

Short-sighted selfishness rules, OK?

This is the Ministry (the main decision-makers) in the Australian Government. These people lead the Government, develop policy, plan legislation and lead the various Government Departments which have responsibility for (among other things) trade, commerce, agriculture, social services and foreign affairs. The Government also has a role in health and environmental issues (which are more […]

Do a personal clean-up

Monthly challenge: August. The monthly challenge Do you want to make a difference in the world, but don’t have time and energy for something big? There are small things we can all do each week to live more sustainably, more justly and more equitably. In the monthly challenge I will offer suggestions for small things […]