How did we get here from there?

March 20th, 2020

Last post I talked about how we seem to be living in a toxic world these days. Events in the two or three weeks since then have underlined this conclusion.

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Living in a toxic world

March 1st, 2020

Some parts of the world and ways people treat each other seem to be getting more toxic. But there are ways we can stand apart from that.

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Brad Jersak on God, love, atonement and life

February 23rd, 2020

North American writer, teacher and theologian, Brad Jersak, was in Australia recently, and we were able to spend a day hearing him sharing his convictions about God and his love, Jesus and the atonement, and life. There was a lot to like and learn from, and some challenging ideas – all worth sharing with you.

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Amid the gloom, much good news

February 8th, 2020

Monthly challenge – supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

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Weep with those who weep

January 26th, 2020

Australia Day is a national holiday and day of celebration – except for our indigenous people, who have suffered so much since European settlement.

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Fake news and tribalism are the new black?

January 4th, 2020

Monthly challenge I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about people’s attitudes to climate change recently, and I am reinforced in the view that we (all people, but especially christians) have entered a new era.

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All is quiet on New Year's Eve …. not!

December 31st, 2019

Some of the happiest memories of my life are family holidays down the south coast of NSW when I was a boy. We’d go to bed early and at about 1 a.m. mum and dad would wake us up, we’d pack the car and set off. Down Mt Ousley in the night fog while us […]

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Opposing Jesus …. in the name of Jesus

December 24th, 2019

Three warnings to start with. This isn’t a Christmas post. This isn’t a political post. Although Donald Trump’s picture appears, it’s not really about him at all, though he is relevant. I am not an American, so I write as an outsider. This post is a response to a Christianity Today editorial and the public […]

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Take real steps to support poor workers in the clothing industry

December 8th, 2019

Monthly challenge December challenge It should be no news to anyone that the clothing industry has a sad history of paying meagre wages and offering unhealthy working conditions to workers in poor countries, all to reduce the price of the clothing in richer countries by a few cents. Not so long ago, it was estimated […]

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A lead role in a cage?

December 3rd, 2019

Pink Floyd’s 1975 album Wish You Were Here is one of my favourites. The theme of the evocative album is the band’s feeling about Syd Barrett, their former bandmate, who had crashed out due to drugs and a mental condition that made it impossible for him to play his part in the band.

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A list of all blog posts, in reverse chronological order, is on the Blog archive page.