Reading the Bible in the 21st century

February 19th, 2025 in Bible. Tags: , ,
Reading the Bible

This website is all about understanding and following Jesus in the 21st century. How can we make sense of a religion that started two millennia ago?

For many of us, this requires reviewing and maybe reconstructing what we have been taught, to make sense in a world completely different to when Jesus lived.

Perhaps the biggest questions around Christianity are questions about the Bible, and puzzles about how to make sense of it.

So I’m starting a series of posts to offer insights (I hope!) and answers on how to understand and read the Bible, and make sense of it.

Puzzles & difficulties

I’ve been reading and studying the Bible for more than 60 years, and I’ve wrestled with so may questions, difficulotes and puzzles, read a mountain of books, and feel I’ve settled on a few answers.

Here’s some of the questions I’ll look at in the coming weeks:

  • Is the whole Bible pefect and inerrant?
  • What exactly is the Bible?
  • Does archaeology really confirm the history in the Bible?
  • Who chose the books that are in there, and the ones that aren’t?
  • Why are there two “Testaments”? What is a “Testament” anyway?
  • If some parts are “true”, and some are not, how can we know which parts are which?
  • How should we read it? What can we get from it?

I’d be really pleased for you to join in this exploration, to start some discussion and provoke some hard thinking.

You might like to add in the comments below some questions you’d like to see discussed.

Hope to see you again soon.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko.

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