I posted a while back on this topic. I have just come across an excellent article on the same topic.
Carl Medearis is a christian who has spent a lot of time in the Middle East, can speak Arabic, and appears to understand the culture and issues. He makes five points taken from the teachings of Jesus.
- Christians in western countries should recognise that we haven’t always done the right thing in the Middle East.
- If we better understood the difficult situations faced by many in the Middle East, especially when compared to our own opportunities and wealth, we might better understand some of the outcomes.
- Are we praying for the salvation of Muslim fighters?
- What are the best ways to influence behaviour in a shame culture? (I found this the most interesting comment.)
- What if we loved our enemies and did good to them? Could this be a better, and less costly, long term strategy?
I recommend his comments as well worth reading and considering.
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