Hell and the resurrection of the righteous
(August 21, 2021)The conventional christian view of hell is surely wrong. It isn’t taught in the Old Testament, nor in the New. And it wasn’t what Jesus taught.
The conventional christian view of hell is surely wrong. It isn’t taught in the Old Testament, nor in the New. And it wasn’t what Jesus taught.
Recent books suggest the church is becoming irrevocably divided. Is it too late to do something about it?
Young christians can find difficulties with what they have been taught, and this can lead them to very different places. We can help them on their journey.
In history, the church often supported the wealthy and the government. That isn’t what Jesus taught. What about today?
In churches, the stage means a few people perform and the rest of us are spectators. The table means we are all gathered around a meal and all participate. Why not move from stage to table?
Who did Jesus die for? Do the poor, the outcast and the forgotten get any special treatment? Jesus seems to hint at this.
A revolutionary blog is resurrected here. Don’t miss out!.
Many “prophets” said God told them Trump would win. Now he hasn’t won, what will they do? Admit they were wrong, or re-interpret what they said?
Book review of “After Evangelicalism” by David Gushee. It’s easier to deconstruct faith, but harder to reconstruct. This book has some good ideas.
How can we pass on faith to the next generation? Here are some ideas, based on many years of experience, that should be useful to parents and church leaders.