Tag: Bible interpretation

Faith for our future?
(August 3, 2022)

Should christianity be any different in the 21st century than it has been for the last two millennia?

Lessons learned along the way
(July 10, 2022)

I have been following Jesus, albeit imperfectly, for about 60 years! It was during the period from about October 1961 to September 1962 that I decided not only that I believed in Jesus, but I was willing to follow him in my life. Since that time in a reformed evangelical church, I’ve come to think […]

Three things the modern church can learn from Jesus (2)
(February 7, 2022)

Two more ways the modern church ignores how and what Jesus taught, but we could easily change.

Reading the Old Testament
(November 3, 2021)

My journey, and maybe your journey too, in understanding the Old Testament and learning to appreciate it and understand the obvious problems.

Making sense of the Exodus
(September 12, 2021)

A review of “The Exodus” by Richard Elliott Friedman and “Exodus for Normal People” by Peter Enns. Two books shine light on the truth (and legends) of the exodus of Moses and the Israelites from Egypt. Well worth reading.

Hell and the resurrection of the righteous
(August 21, 2021)

The conventional christian view of hell is surely wrong. It isn’t taught in the Old Testament, nor in the New. And it wasn’t what Jesus taught.

Jesus’ death and the “least of these”
(April 1, 2021)

Who did Jesus die for? Do the poor, the outcast and the forgotten get any special treatment? Jesus seems to hint at this.

Next steps along the Way?
(January 13, 2021)

Book review of “After Evangelicalism” by David Gushee. It’s easier to deconstruct faith, but harder to reconstruct. This book has some good ideas.

Christianity, pluralism and truth
(November 2, 2019)

Book review of “Why did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed cross the road” by Brian McLaren. A challenging book that raises some important issues.

How evangelical doctrine and Biblical inerrancy can distort the Bible and Jesus
(August 1, 2019)

Most christians have been taught to reverence the Bible. This has been especially true of Protestant christianity. The Reformation was built on the doctrine of sola scriptura (by scripture alone). And when conservative christianity felt threatened by evolution, liberal theology and modernist thinking in the 19th century, it developed a statement of “the fundamentals”, one […]