Tag: behaviour

Wealth inequality is killing the poor
(February 6, 2023)

Globally, the very rich are paying less tax and getting even richer, while the poor can buy less because of inflation. Is this right?

Australia Day and sensitivity towards our indigenous brothers and sisters
(January 26, 2023)

Five years ago we attended a service of lament and support for indigenous christians who cannot celebrate Australia Day with the rest of the country. The service highlighted issues that I think we all wish weren’t there, or would go away. Last night we watched an online prayer service conducted by Aboriginal christians seeking to […]

I’m an individual, you can’t fool me!
(December 30, 2022)

The church needs individuals who can innovate in a Spirit-inspired way, but group think can stifle innovation in churches.

Good chocolate
(December 8, 2022)

As christians, our chocolate buying and eating habits can make an enormous difference, good or bad, to families living on the other side of the world.

Why politicians, media and advertisers can get away with untruths
(November 8, 2022)

Truth is sometimes hard to find in politics. Politicians and media take advantage of our trust and tell us misinformation. But we can guard against this.

The church vs secular culture on gender identity: are we listening?
(October 25, 2022)

Another christianity and alleged homophobia incident involving a football club. Can we learn anything from it?

8 actions to save God’s world and his people
(October 3, 2022)

The world is in a sorry state right now. Not only a brutal unjustified invasion of Ukraine with its accompanying atrocities, not only anti-democracy movements in many counties, but climate catastrophes. Record, unprecedented flooding in Europe, Pakistan and Australia. Fierce wildfires in the US, Europe and Australia. Destructive storms in the US and Japan. Worsening […]

Faith for our future?
(August 3, 2022)

Should christianity be any different in the 21st century than it has been for the last two millennia?

Religion & politics: unequally yoked?
(June 21, 2022)

Do religion and politics mix? There are good reasons for christians to be active in politics, and some traps to avoid.

Not looking to our own interests?
(June 7, 2022)

Were christians pressed to vote for narrow self interest rather than the broad issues of inequality and unjustice that Jesus cared so much about?