Tag: behaviour

Peace and non-violence
(December 17, 2012)

Completing my examination of things we can all learn from the Anabaptists, with the core conviction on peace and non-violence.

Spirituality, justice and money
(December 12, 2012)

Another core Anabaptist conviction to challenge us all.

Are we known for grace or judgment?
(December 5, 2012)

Jesus told a very striking story. You probably know it. A man owed a large amount of money but couldn’t pay, so he asked his banker for extra time to make the repayment. And he was given time. But then he called in a small debt he was owed, and refused the poor man’s entreaties […]

The journey of a christian pacifist
(October 3, 2012)

I haven’t posted on pacifism and war, but I believe Jesus teaches non-violence, which would make him very opposed to war. Until I do write on the topic, this blog by New Testament scholar Ben Witherington, The Long Journey of a Christian Pacifist, is well worth reading. Photo: Flickr Creative Commons

Refugees and christians
(September 2, 2012)

When countries are in turmoil or their people are impoverished, many choose, or are forced, to look for a better life, and so become refugees. Australia is an attractive place to seek refuge. Because we are an island nation, many refugees make the often dangerous journey by boat, and increasingly, many perish in the attempt. […]

The way we treat deserters
(August 29, 2012)

“You can tell a lot about a place by the way they treat their own …. The way they treat their own deserters.” David Bridie, ‘The Deserters’ Statistics (see below) show that a significant number of people, active church members and apparently believers, are leaving their churches and in many cases leaving the faith. In […]

A climate change conspiracy?
(August 18, 2012)

So, if the facts (as outlined in previous posts) show that the world is indeed warming faster than ever before, the weather patterns are changing, the burning of fossil fuels is a major cause, and the outcomes will be disastrous, why do so many people still oppose the idea? Is there a conspiracy to present […]

Climate change: causes and remedies
(August 13, 2012)

We’ve seen that the scientific data shows that the world’s climate and weather patterns are changing, and that this spells disaster for many people in the world, and will impact all of us. To do something about it, we need to know the causes.

Just because you know something doesn't mean you have to say it!
(August 6, 2012)

Mike has questioned the point of my last post (Christians and Chick-fil-a), about when and how christians should speak out in the public arena, and when and how we shouldn’t. So I thought I would clarify in a new post.

Christians and Chick-fil-a
(August 4, 2012)

Chick-fil-a is apparently a chain of about 1600 chicken fast food stores in the US. Being an Aussie, I wouldn’t know. But apparently the chain has been in the news recently because of an allegedly anti-gay stance, mainly, as far as I can tell, seen through large donations to christian anti-gay causes. Recently protests by […]