I would guess most people who read this blog live in countries that have been conquered and perhaps colonised at some point in their history. From the times of human migrations out of Africa millennia ago, populations have moved, fought for land, and expanded their territory in response to climate, threat and need. For example, […]
We all like a bargain, but some bargains cost more than you’d think. That’s why some people are turning their back on clothes bargains. No new clothes in 2023 Kate Hulett is an artist, photographer and small business owner – she has a shop selling homewares, fashion accessories, books and stationery. She loves clothes, but […]
We can only begin to understand the Hamas-Israeli war by understanding the long history behind it.
Find out which chocolate brands and distributors have the most ethical supply chains.
Who in the world is poor, and why? And why don’t things get better for them?
Inequality of income and opportunity is the cause of many evils in the world, yet we western Christians find it hard to avoid it. What should we do?
My previous post (Is God woke?) led to me being asked some questions about First Nations people in Australia, and whether they deserve any special consideration by Government or white people generally. I think we can only understand, and respond to, the present situation if we have considered the history of First Nations peoples and […]
Most of us would agree that reducing the number of abortions would be a good thing. But what is the best way to achieve that?
A bunch of people were attending a meeting in a church in Sydney, not a church service, but a meeting to discuss gender politics and impacts on children. There were some protesters there too. Then things turned ugly and a mob attacked with glass bottles and rocks. People screamed and swore, a woman was punched. […]
Globally, the very rich are paying less tax and getting even richer, while the poor can buy less because of inflation. Is this right?