Have you enjoyed the Way? enough to want to read more?
Things change on the web all the time, especially on blogs. Sometimes we intend to keep up with a blog but forget. There are several ways to you can keep up with new posts …..
Email subscription
If you enter your email address in the box below and click on the ‘Subscribe’ button, and an email will be sent to confirm your subscription. Then you will be notified by email every time there is a new post. The email will include a link to take you straight to the blog.
You can also subscribe to comments on any individual post by entering your email at the bottom of the page.
If you want to unsubscribe, wait until you receive the next email notification and there is an unsubscribe link there.
(I’m sorry, but this is the only way at present, but I am working on being able to unsubscribe from this page.)
You can also subscribe to this blog via a feed reader. Feed readers are software that can access a file produced by the Way? blog that shows all blog posts as they appear. They can then notify you when a new blog is posted. This means you can have quick access to your favourite blogs on one page of the feed reader.
To set up the feed, go to this blog’s feed and copy the URL into your reader. (The page will look ugly – just a mass of text – but the feed will be rendered in a readable way by your reader.)
There are many feed readers, some online and some you can download onto your own computer. I use Vienna (a desktop reader for Mac). Other popular readers are Feedly, Inoreader, Newsblur and FeedDemon.
Use Facebook
There is a ‘the Way?’ page on Facebook. If you ‘like’ that page, you will get a notification in your Facebook news feed every time I post there. Since I notify when I make most new posts, you’ll keep up to date that way.
Hope your doing well ๐
Yes, thank you. Fit and firing on all 2 cylinders! ๐ And you?
Yes, doing well too ๐ thanks