Tag: Belief

Next steps along the Way?
(January 13, 2021)

Book review of “After Evangelicalism” by David Gushee. It’s easier to deconstruct faith, but harder to reconstruct. This book has some good ideas.

A body born again
(November 14, 2019)

Book Review: Metanoia by Anna McGahan. Once I started reading this remarkable book I was hooked. I want to tell you why I think it is so worth reading.

Christianity, pluralism and truth
(November 2, 2019)

Book review of “Why did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed cross the road” by Brian McLaren. A challenging book that raises some important issues.

How evangelical doctrine and Biblical inerrancy can distort the Bible and Jesus
(August 1, 2019)

Most christians have been taught to reverence the Bible. This has been especially true of Protestant christianity. The Reformation was built on the doctrine of sola scriptura (by scripture alone). And when conservative christianity felt threatened by evolution, liberal theology and modernist thinking in the 19th century, it developed a statement of “the fundamentals”, one […]

Losing my religion
(July 1, 2019)

The word “religion” can have different meanings. At its simplest, it means “belief in and worship of God or gods” (Oxford Dictionary). But more precisely, religion is often seen as a designated set of beliefs and rituals by which people relate to a god. Thus religion (implying dogma and restrictions) is often contrasted to spirituality […]

Evangelical, Liberal and Progressive Christianity – three diverging paths
(June 16, 2019)

There’s a lot of new, and sometimes scary, ideas flying around the christian scene these days. What are we to make of them?? Where is Protestant christianity heading? If you have doubts and questions about your form of christian belief, perhaps another form has something to offer. Check out a few ideas here.

Modern western evangelicalism – easy religion for comfortable christians?
(May 3, 2019)

I’ve been thinking for a while about modern western evangelical christianity. Not what some people may see as the worst of this belief system – televangelists, conservative politics and a focus on sexual ethics – but the mainstream. My initial christian experience was in this culture and belief, and while I have moved on in […]

Which Jesus did you worship this Christmas?
(December 24, 2018)

Jesus is such an important and admired character in world history and western culture that everyone seems to want to claim him for their tribe. So there are many different versions of Jesus for us to believe in. Shopping mall Jesus This is the most obvious Jesus, and the easiest to see through. Two months […]

Is this the most important thing you could do as a christian?
(December 13, 2018)

Thirty five years ago my life was changed after listening to a talk on prayer and spiritual warfare. I had been converted as a teen in a Presbyterian church where doctrine was regarded as the most important thing and God was known to be sovereign, ordaining everything according to his good purposes. But this doctrine […]

How a deep and growing divide is killing Protestant christianity – or maybe renewing it!
(May 30, 2018)

Right from the earliest days, there have always been disagreements within the christian community. Some are resolved, but some lead to major splits, new denominations or new doctrinal positions. I have the feeling that a major, and probably irreversible, divergence is brewing in the western Protestant church, between those we may label “evangelical” and those […]