Tag: Jesus

Conversion stories: another part of the picture
(February 9, 2013)

I have commented before on people who decide they no longer believe in Jesus (see Atheists who once were christians, Pastors who once were christians, and Why do some christians give up belief?). But this is only one side of the story. At the same time, a significant number of people from a non-religious background […]

A tale of two covenants
(February 4, 2013)

This is the sixth in a series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. The Bible is divided into two ‘Testaments’. It is obvious that the Old Testament tells about Hebrew history and religion before Jesus, while the New Testament tells about the coming of Jesus and what happened next. But is […]

How Jesus and the apostles interpreted the Old Testament
(January 21, 2013)

This is the fourth in a series of posts on Understanding the Bible in the 21st century. We have seen that the Bible doesn’t claim as much for itself as some christians do. Now I test these conclusions by examining how Jesus and his apostles treated their Bible – our Old Testament.

Peace and non-violence
(December 17, 2012)

Completing my examination of things we can all learn from the Anabaptists, with the core conviction on peace and non-violence.

Don Richardson: a blast from the past!
(December 1, 2012)

If you were an aspiring christian missionary, would you take your wife and three young children deep into the jungles of West Papua to a headhunting, cannibalistic tribe who valued treachery as a virtue? Nope, I don’t think I’d have the guts either. But Don Richardson did. And God blessed his sacrificial ministry.

NT Wright on reading the New Testament
(November 17, 2012)

. I liked this NT Wright quote, posted on the Enough Light blog.

Who wrote the Gospel of John?
(November 15, 2012)

None of the four gospels explicitly states who the author(s) is/are, and the names given to them reflect the understanding of the early christians. So scholars are left to determine as best they can whether the names we have were indeed the authors. Knowing the author probably doesn’t change all that much, but I have […]

Community & discipleship
(October 27, 2012)

Another emphasis and core conviction of the Anabaptists that I believe we can all learn from ….

The journey of a christian pacifist
(October 3, 2012)

I haven’t posted on pacifism and war, but I believe Jesus teaches non-violence, which would make him very opposed to war. Until I do write on the topic, this blog by New Testament scholar Ben Witherington, The Long Journey of a Christian Pacifist, is well worth reading. Photo: Flickr Creative Commons

Interpreting the Bible through Jesus
(September 16, 2012)

I am looking at some of the core convictions of the Anabaptists, not because I am an Anabaptist, but because I think we learn from them. We have seen that they emphasise following Jesus, not just believing in him or worshiping him. What does this mean for how we read the Bible?