Tag: science and faith

What do the universe, human race, church and Bible have in common?
(August 3, 2023)

Science has given us new understandings of the universe and the evolution of life. Can we learn something of God’s character from all this, and apply this to the Bible?

God, genetics and me
(November 29, 2020)

A review of “The Language of Genetics” by Denis Alexander – a comprehensive outline of this complex subject.

Fake news and tribalism are the new black?
(January 4, 2020)

Monthly challenge I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about people’s attitudes to climate change recently, and I am reinforced in the view that we (all people, but especially christians) have entered a new era.

Addressing climate change: six facts
(October 24, 2019)

This page in brief We have seen that there are many good reasons to take action to limit global warming. But will it cost too much? On this page, I summarise the latest data on costs, which show that it will be far more costly to do nothing. Action is very cost-beneficial. (I give references […]

Short-sighted selfishness rules, OK?
(August 24, 2019)

This is the Ministry (the main decision-makers) in the Australian Government. These people lead the Government, develop policy, plan legislation and lead the various Government Departments which have responsibility for (among other things) trade, commerce, agriculture, social services and foreign affairs. The Government also has a role in health and environmental issues (which are more […]

Seven facts about climate change that all christians should know
(February 16, 2017)

Last year was the hottest year globally since records began more than a century ago. For the third year in a row, the annual temperature records were exceeded. Yet so many people are sceptical and opposed to action on climate change. They seem to fear how climate change action may affect them, by costing them […]

Christians need to get smart over evolution?
(December 8, 2016)

The biological theory of evolution has been the subject of argument ever since it was first proposed, especially from those christians who believe that the Bible teaches that the earth is not billions of years old, animals haven’t evolved from simple life forms, and thus evolutionary science must not only be wrong, but also evil. […]

Myths, legends, history and truth
(September 1, 2016)

In my last three posts (plus an earlier post) I have looked at ways that we may see that biological evolution points to God as the creator, perhaps in ways that many would find unexpected. If evolution is true, how can consciousness and free will be explained? No-one knows how human consciousness arises, nor how […]

How God changes your brain
(August 10, 2016)

As a christian, I find neuroscience research fascinating, especially where scientific discoveries seem to give support to my christian faith. This post continues the discussion of science and christian belief in my previous post, If evolution is true, how can consciousness and free will be explained?

If evolution is true, how can consciousness and free will be explained?
(August 2, 2016)

A lot of christians struggle with the idea of biological evolution because it seems to leave God out of creation. But I think evolution points to God, if we consider some of the findings of neuroscience and psychology.